Until Now by Rose Middleton

Until Now by Rose Middleton

Author:Rose Middleton [Middleton, Rose]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Published: 2011-12-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nine

On Tuesday night, with the Australian soccer team playing for a berth in the World Cup, the bar was packed. Men of all walks of life and nationalities came together to watch the game on the big screen and cheer for their team. To get from one side of the bar to the other, Macy had to brace against the bodies. Sweat and masculine heat permeated everything, but she enjoyed the good-natured atmosphere.

It sure beat an empty bar, a nosy bartender named Pete, and an X-rated reel running in her head. She’d tempted Lucius for purely selfish reasons, and the rat didn’t bite. Well, she’d find a way to change his mind when she got home. Which was—she checked her watch—in six hours. The sad thing was the soccer match would end, everyone would go home, and she’d be left to entertain herself and an empty bar—again. Man, she was starting to dislike night shift.

From across the room, a young Italian-Australian man raised his arm above the crowd and called to her. Another round, he ordered, expecting her to remember exactly what everyone was drinking. Not a hardship, really. Her life tending bar revolved around catering to others’ needs, and it suited her fine. So she got to work on their order. There were six of them, all in their early twenties and enjoying their night out. If she kept them happy and well supplied with alcohol, they’d spend up big and maybe even stick around after the game.

Sheesh, the things she hoped for on a slow night.

As she topped up the last of the six glasses, Pete called out to her from the back room. A phone call.

Macy’s heart slammed in her chest. The possibilities were endless. It could be Lucius, but it was nearing eleven, and in order for him to be awake when she got in at five, he’d probably be asleep. Which then meant it could be her brother, checking up on her since no one answered the phone at her apartment. Unless, of course, Lucius had and driven Josh insane with anger.

She toyed with the idea of waving Pete and the phone call away, but then that only prolonged the agony. If it was Josh, she’d have to face up to him sooner or later, and when it came to her brother, Macy preferred sooner. At least this way he wouldn’t have time to sulk, and she could hang up on him any time she liked.

Pete took the tray of drinks from her as she ducked into the staff lounge to take whatever Josh had to serve up. But it wasn’t Josh’s voice she heard on the other end.

“Hello gorgeous.”

“Lucius,” his name slipped from her lips with all the heat of the visions running through her mind.

“Glad to hear my voice?”

Dirty rat, he knew she’d be happy to hear him. Slow night or not. “You should be asleep,” she chastised gently. “Who’s going to meet me at the door when I come home?”

The low, suggestive laugh filled her ear and shot to her womb.


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